Prioritized Approach Summary & Attestation of Compliance

September 20, 2022
Prioritized Approach Summary & Attestation of Compliance
Part 1: Merchant or Service Provider Information
Company Name: Network Perception
Contact Name: Donald Miller
Title: Department Head Cybersecurity & Compliance
Phone: 330-612-3076
Business Address: 20 N Wacker Dr. Chicago IL 60606
Company URL:
List facilities and locations included in PCI DSS Review: TechNexus
Part 2: Transaction Processing:

Payment Application in use: N/A

Payment Application Version: N/A

Part 3: Milestones

Milestone #1

     1. Remove sensitive authentication data and limit data retention. This milestone targets a key area of risk for entities that have been compromised. Remember – if sensitive authentication data and other cardholder data are not stored, the effects of a compromise will be greatly reduced. If you don’t need it, don’t store it

2. Percentage completed: 100.0%

Milestone #2

  1. Protect systems and networks, and be prepared to respond to a system breach. This milestone targets controls for points of access to most compromises, and the processes for responding.
  2. Percentage completed: 100.0%

Milestone #3

  1. Secure payment card applications. This milestone targets controls for applications, application processes, and application servers. Weaknesses in these areas offer easy prey for compromising systems and obtaining access to cardholder data.
  2. Percentage completed: 100.0%

Milestone #4

  1. Monitor and control access to your systems. Controls for this milestone allow you to detect the who, what, when, and how concerning who is accessing your network and cardholder data environment.
  2. Percentage completed: 100.0%

Milestone #5

  1. Protect stored cardholder data. For those organizations that have analyzed their business processes and determined that they must store Primary Account Numbers, Milestone Five targets key protection mechanisms for that stored data.
  2. Percentage completed: 100.0%

Milestone #6

  1. Finalize remaining compliance efforts, and ensure all controls are in place. The intent of Milestone Six is to complete PCI DSS requirements, and to finalize all remaining related policies, procedures, and processes needed to protect the cardholder data environment.
  2. Percentage completed: 100.0%