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Transportation Industry

Network Visibility Software

NP-Views works offline to generate an accurate network topology of your environment to give you the fastest way to gain a clear understanding of your attack surface without having to shut down operations.

Is Your OT Network Secure?

In recent years, the transportation industry witnessed a 186% increase in weekly ransomware attacks.

As transportation systems become more connected and automated, the need for comprehensive network visibility has grown significantly.


Integration of IoT in transportation networks plays a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and safety of transportation systems. Vehicles, infrastructure, and even wearable devices are becoming interconnected to gather and exchange data.


However, the challenge is to secure this complex and expansive network of interconnected devices. NP-View is a lightweight, non-invasive network visualization platform for OT networks that enables organizations to rapidly see their network topology, assess risks, and ensure compliance.

  • Automated non-intrusive generation of comprehensive network topology maps which take the place of manual drawings that can quickly get outdated.
  • Optimize operations with network visualization models used to simplify complex network structures and enhance troubleshooting capabilities.
  • Enhanced network context provided within the topology map via imported network asset and vulnerability data.
  • Simplify ruleset analysis with unified table view, color highlights and annotations for security compliance verification and justification.
  • Save time and labor reviewing access rules with dynamic drill down to the exact source location in the configuration file and highlighting overly permissive rules.
  • Identify, mitigate, and minimize the potential cybersecurity impact of human error.
  • Gain instant visibility of the network environment’s segmentation policy.
  • Strengthen defenses and understanding of network segmentation policy by providing a visual matrix detailing zone-to-zone communication access permissions.
  • Document all communication pathways to and from critical assets.
  • Identify potential misconfigurations that enable unintended access permissions.

Discover the Power of NP-View

The fastest path to compliant OT network visibility and verification.

Transportation FAQ

The transportation industry is increasingly reliant on digital technologies, connectivity, and automation, making it susceptible to various cyber threats. Here are some common cyber threats faced by the transportation industry:

  1. Ransomware Attacks: Ransomware can encrypt critical systems and data, disrupting operations and demanding a ransom for their release. In the transportation sector, this could impact scheduling systems, logistics, or even the control systems of vehicles.

  2. Data Breaches: Transportation systems store and transmit vast amounts of sensitive information, including passenger details, travel itineraries, and payment data. Data breaches can lead to the unauthorized access and theft of this information.

  3. Connected Vehicle Attacks: As vehicles become more connected and autonomous, they are vulnerable to cyber threats. Hackers might exploit vulnerabilities in in-vehicle systems to gain unauthorized access, manipulate controls, or even take over autonomous vehicles.

  4. Supply Chain Attacks: Transportation systems rely on a complex supply chain for components and software. Cybercriminals may target suppliers to introduce malicious code or compromise the integrity of transportation systems.

  5. Phishing and Social Engineering: Employees in the transportation sector may be targeted with phishing emails or social engineering tactics to gain unauthorized access to systems or extract sensitive information.

  6. Disruption of Traffic Management Systems: Cyberattacks on traffic management systems can lead to disruptions in traffic flow, causing congestion or accidents. This could have cascading effects on transportation networks.

  7. Air Traffic Control Systems Attacks: In aviation, attacks on air traffic control systems could have severe consequences. Disruptions or unauthorized access to these systems may compromise flight safety.

The transportation industry faces a range of cybersecurity risks that can have significant consequences on safety, efficiency, and overall operations. Here are some key risks associated with cybersecurity in the transportation sector:

  1. Safety Risks: Cybersecurity incidents can compromise the safety of passengers and operators. For example, attacks on connected vehicles or transportation infrastructure may result in unauthorized control of systems, posing risks of accidents or disruptions.

  2. Operational Disruption: Cyberattacks can disrupt the normal operations of transportation systems, leading to delays, cancellations, or even shutdowns. This can impact the reliability of transportation services and cause inconvenience for passengers.

  3. Data Breaches: Transportation systems store and process sensitive information, including passenger data, payment details, and operational data. Data breaches can lead to the unauthorized access and theft of this information, compromising privacy and trust.

  4. Financial Losses: Cybersecurity incidents can result in financial losses for transportation companies due to operational disruptions, legal consequences, and the costs associated with recovering from a cyberattack.

  5. Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: Transportation relies on a complex supply chain for equipment, software, and services. Cyber threats targeting suppliers or compromising the integrity of supply chain components can introduce vulnerabilities into transportation systems.

  6. Disruption of Traffic Management Systems: Attacks on traffic management systems can lead to disruptions in traffic flow, causing congestion, accidents, or gridlock. This not only affects road transportation but also has cascading effects on other modes of transportation.

  7. Air Traffic Control Disruptions: In aviation, disruptions to air traffic control systems can have serious safety implications. Cyberattacks targeting communication systems or navigation equipment may compromise the safety of flights.

There isn’t a single universally mandated cybersecurity standard specifically tailored for the entire transportation industry. However, various transportation sectors, such as aviation, maritime, and automotive, may adhere to industry-specific standards and regulations. Here are some examples:

  1. Aviation (Civil Aviation):

    • ICAO Annex 17: The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) provides Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, which outlines security provisions, including those related to information security and cybersecurity, for the global aviation industry.

    • NIST SP 800-53: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-53 provides guidelines for information security and is often referenced in the aviation sector.

  2. Maritime:

    • ISPS Code: The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) is a comprehensive set of measures to enhance the security of ships and port facilities. It includes provisions related to cybersecurity.

    • IMO Guidelines: The International Maritime Organization (IMO) provides guidelines for the maritime industry, including guidelines on maritime cybersecurity.

  3. Automotive (Connected Vehicles):

    • ISO/SAE 21434: ISO/SAE 21434 is a standard specifically addressing cybersecurity for road vehicles. It provides guidelines for securing the lifecycle of automotive systems.

    • NIST SP 800-53: While not specific to automotive, the NIST framework is widely used, and its principles are often referenced in the development of cybersecurity standards for connected vehicles.

  4. Public Transportation and Smart Cities:

    • ENISA Guidelines: The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) provides guidelines for securing smart transportation systems, including public transportation and smart city initiatives.

    • ISO 27001: ISO 27001 is a widely recognized standard for information security management systems. Organizations within the transportation sector may adopt ISO 27001 to establish and maintain an effective cybersecurity framework.