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Background Tasks

NP-View uses reports to present network information related to the open workspace.  These reports are available to all users and can be accessed from the main menu.

This article is focused on the Background Tasks Table.


Background Tasks

This table displays the active and completed processes both for the current workspace, and for all workspaces. When in a workspace you have the ability to filter and view the active processes for the current workspace and to clear or cancel completed or active processes for the current workspace.


Access: Background Tasks can be accessed in three ways.

  1. From the main menu
  2. Using the hotkey ‘T’
  3. Clicking on the active spinner on the topology map

*main menu       *active background tasks spinner



The Background Tasks table shows the status of each task spawned by a data import, merge, analysis, or by run policies.

  • Parsing tasks indicate the imported file is being normalized and hosts inferred.
  • Merge tasks combine the normalized data into the topology map.
  • Analysis tasks define all of the paths and open ports.
  • Policies review the active requirements to identify potential risks for review.

An example of the background tasks table is in the image below.


The report contains the following data and has the following functionality:

Report Data:

  • Task name
  • Progress
  • Workspace where the task is running
  • User who owns the task
  • The time it started or ended

Report Functions:

  • The check box allows the user to filter on the tasks pertinent to the current workspace.
  • The X allows the user to cancel a task that may be running too long or be stuck for some reason.
  • The user can also cancel all tasks within a workspace using the “Cancel All for this Workspace” button
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