Through network access modeling, NP-View analyzes all possible connectivity paths in a network based on the firewall, router, and switch configuration files imported. The results are presented in:
Path analysis is only available in custom views that have been manually created using the “Manage Views” menu. This can be found in the default Home view in which only devices are shown (no network, no end points) does not include a path analysis.
NP-View provides two options for analysis; Internal and Internal + External. Internal analysis computes paths for all the devices and end points within the view. Internal + External analysis include devices and end points within the view and adds external end points that are listed as unmapped.
By default, new views are created using internal analysis. To include external hosts, select Internal + External from the dropdown.
Please note that the external path analysis will take more time to complete and will return a larger number of paths.
In some workspaces customers are seeing zero paths after analysis. To understand why, each ‘allow’ rule must be investigated. In these cases, we found various reasons for not seeing any paths. Some of these reasons are:
In some situations, the rule sequence field may not be populated due to implied rules from tunnels or security levels. In these situations, the rule sequence will be populated with text: ‘Access implied by tunnel or security level’
We use default gateways to route traffic to and from external addresses. In this context, we handle multiple default gateways differently depending on whether the paths are inbound or outbound.
For inbound paths, i.e., from external sources to the internal network, we process all default gateways. We process traffic through every default gateway and generate all paths as the access rules allow.
For outbound paths, i.e., from internal network to external sources, we select only one default gateway. We have implemented a set of rules grounded in routing principles that prioritize one route over others. However, if those rules find no clear winner, we break the tie by picking the route through the interface appearing first in alphabetical order. In any case, we end up picking one default route and generating a warning message.