
Verified Assets

August 27, 2024

The Verified Assets feature was introduced in version 5.1.0 and is designed to use Auxiliary data to verify inferred assets identified from configuration files.

The following auxiliary data files, when added to a view, can be used to verify assets:

  • ARP files
  • Vulnerability Scanners files
  • Claroty CDT

Auxiliary data files that are not used for verification are:

  • Host files
  • Multi-Homed Host files

Once a view is created with auxiliary data and the Asset Verification feature is enable in topology settings,

The topology will display the verified assets in blue as shown below:

When clicking on a specific asset, the info panel will display the files where the asset was identified and the verified files highlighted in blue.

Additionally, Asset Inventory will also display the verified files in the 'Created by' column and if the asset is verified or not.

Asset verification only applies to endpoints. Assets in asset inventory that are not endpoints (Firewall, Router, Switch, Gateway) will me marked as N/A in the verified column.

Clicking on the file name in the 'Created by' column will display the configuration or auxiliary data file in a popup window.