Mitigating Cybersecurity Risks: Your Compliance Action Plan

Our step-by-step action plan is guaranteed to bring you closer to mitigating cybersecurity risks, achieving compliance, preparing for upcoming audits, and gaining proactive insights into potential threats, rather than reacting to what has already happened. With this plan, you can take charge of your cybersecurity with confidence.

Cybersecurity Risk Mitigation Steps

  1. Identify Critical Assets & Network Vulnerabilities: Utilize NP-View to identify and prioritize critical assets that are essential to the organization's operations. This can help to focus efforts on the most critical areas of the network.
  2. Verify Network Segmentation: Understand how network segmentation works and how it can be used to reduce the attack surface and limit the potential impact of a security breach.
  3. Understand the Organization's Security Policy: Review the organization's security policy to understand the approach to security, roles and responsibilities, risk management processes, and incident response procedures.
  4. Identify what Evidence is Required: And, ensure that it is available in the Evidence Request Tool.
    1. Ensure that the evidence is organized and clearly labeled in the ERT for ease of access and review by the auditor.
    2. Review the evidence thoroughly to ensure that it is accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
  5. Identify Critical Assets & Network Vulnerabilities: Utilize NP-View to identify and prioritize critical assets that are essential to the organization's operations. This can help to focus efforts on the most critical areas of the network.
  6. Conduct network assessments: Use NP-View to perform comprehensive network assessments to identify potential vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. The tool can also provide recommendations for remediation.
  7. Monitor compliance: Use NP-View to monitor compliance with industry regulations and best practices. The tool can generate automated compliance reports and alert organizations to potential compliance issues.
  8. Support Access Controls: Understand access controls, such as password policies, multi-factor authentication, and role-based access control (RBAC), and how they can ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive systems and data.
  9. Stay updated with System Updates and Patches: Understand the importance of updating and patching systems and software to mitigate known vulnerabilities.
  10. Monitor Network Activity: Use NP-View to monitor network activity for unusual traffic and behavior that may indicate a potential security threat.
  11. Assess third-party risk: Use NP-View to assess the security posture of third-party vendors and partners to ensure that they meet the organization's security standards.

About Network-Perception:

NP-View provides proactive OT security that uses continuous visualization and risk assessment to verify network segmentation and to identify network vulnerabilities before they become breaches.

  • Import your network device configurations offline or visualize your network architecture continuously
  • Understand your network’s connectivity and the exposure of your protected assets

Verify access to ports and services across different trust zones

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