
Installing NP-View Server

March 28, 2025

NP-View Server has been designed to be easily installed by a single person who has moderate Linux skills. This article provides step-by-step instructions on the installation process, which includes:

  1. Provisioning a server
  2. Downloading NP-View server
  3. Installing NP-View server
  4. Installing a SSL Certificate

NP-View is accessed through a web browser (Edge, Chrome, Firefox) running on a modern operating system (Windows 11 or later, macOS 14 or later, Ubuntu 23 or later).

Provisioning a Server

The following table documents the CPU, memory, and disk requirements based on the number of network device configuration files monitored by NP-View server:

Number of network devices monitored (firewall, router, switch) / concurrent users Min. CPU Memory Disk Space
Up to 50 devices / 3 concurrent users 8-core 32GB 400GB
Up to 100 devices / 4 concurrent users 16-core 64GB 800GB
Up to 250 devices / 5 concurrent users 32-core 128GB 1.5TB
Up to 500 devices / 6 concurrent users 64-core 256GB 3TB

Greater than 500 devices please contact support to discuss requirements.

Recommended as the minimum for most Professional Server users.

Note: loading and analyzing devices utilizes the majority of the CPU and Memory capacity.  The higher the server capacity and the faster the CPU, the faster devices will load and be analyzed.

Network ports used by NP-View server

The following ports are used by NP-View server.  Please ensure these ports are open on your firewall for proper communication.

Required ports:

  • TCP/22: SSH server to provide secure console access to the NP-Live server
  • TCP/443: access to NP-View Web UI through HTTPS
  • TCP/8443: access to NP-View connectors Web UI through HTTPS

Optional ports:

  • TCP/80: access to NP-View Web UI through HTTP
  • TCP/389: access to Active Directory / LDAP for LDAPv3 TLS
  • TCP/445: access to NP-View SMB Connector
  • TCP/636: access to Active Directory / LDAPS for TLS/SSL
  • TCP/8080: access to NP-View connectors Web UI through HTTP

Firewall Rules

The source IP should be the client workstation that will access NP-View and the destination IP should be the NP-View Linux server.

Downloading NP-View Server

Sign up on the Portal website to download the latest version of NP-View server and the license key.  A SHA256 checksum is supplied with each download by clicking on the “show checksum” link.  You can calculate the checksum on the files you download to verify their integrity:

  • Windows 10/11 using Powershell: Get-FileHash /the/full/path/to/your/file/name/extension | Format-List
  • Linux: sha256sum /the/full/path/to/your/file/name/extension
  • MACOS: shasum -a 256 /full/path/to/your/file/name/extension

Installing NP-View Server

NP-View server is a Linux application. It can be installed on a virtual machine or physical hardware. There are 2 package formats available:

  • NP-View Virtual appliance (~2GB OVF) that works on all major hypervisor with support for the .vmdk disk format (e.g., VMWare ESXi).
  • NP-View Linux installer (~600MB) that works on all major Linux distributions on which Docker can be installed

The NP-View OVF uses Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS or later. Root access is provided (see the text file provided with the .OVF) so the operating system can be periodically updated. This option should be used for new installations. The NP-View Linux installer is used to update NP-View on an existing system or for a new install on a Linux server.

Note: Network Perception does not recommend running NP-View in a double virtualized environment (Linux VM encapsulated within a Windows VM) as the operation of connectors, notifications and external interfaces can be unpredictable.

Option 1: Using the NP-View Linux Installer

Once downloaded from the portal, follow the steps below to complete the install:

  1. Move installer to server – This may require ssh or other user account permissions
    1. Place the file in a location you can access from the terminal
    2. /tmp – this is a temp folder available at the root directory
    3. /opt/np-live – this is the default NP View server root directory
  2. You can use the “ls” command to see what is in your current directory
  3. Log into the terminal or use SSH (Putty, PowerShell, etc.) into the Linux server
  4. Set root level permission with the command (this will allow you type commands without adding “sudo” to each command)
    • sudo -I
  5. Navigate to the directory in which the NP-View Server Linux installer was placed
    • Use the ls command to verify file is in this directory
  6. Run the installer with the command (Docker must be installed before this step)
    • Example: sh NP-View_Full_Filename.sh (example: NP-View_Server_Linux_4.0.5-add6)
  7. The installer will begin by checking for a running instance of Docker and internet connection
    • If Docker is not installed and running the installer will stop and you will have to manually install the latest version of Docker before continuing
    • If an internet connection is available and Docker isn’t installed, the installer will automatically download and install the latest version of Docker
    • If an internet connection isn’t available but Docker is installed, the installer will continue offline (Most Common Scenario)
    • If you are installing NP-View Server on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, use the following commands to install docker:
      • yum update
      • dnf config-manager –add-repo=https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
      • dnf install –nobest docker-ce
      • systemctl disable firewalld
      • systemctl enable –now docker
  8. Follow the prompts during installation
    • Prompt to continue with offline installation
    • Prompt for default directory (/opt/np-live) We recommend keeping the default directory but it can be changed if preferred
      • Note: If the default directory is changed, then it will need to be edited for each new release during the installation
  9. There will be a message once the installation is complete
  10. Launch a browser to navigate to the NP-View User InterfaceExample of transfer with WinSCP:
    • Load WinSCP – It should default to this screen:
    • Default “File Protocol:” to SFTP
    • Fill in Host name, User name, and Password.
      • Host name would be the same as your NP-View Server IP Address
      • User name and Password are the same as the sudo credentials you use to log into the NP-View Server terminal.
    • Find the NP-View Linux Server Installer file in the left window. Then in the right window from the “root” select the “tmp” folder. Once you have completed both steps then click “Upload”.
    • Click Ok to complete the transfer.

Option 2: Using the NP-View Virtual Appliance

Once the Virtual Appliance OVF file has been downloaded from the portal, follow the steps below to complete set up:

  1. Extract the .zip archive (right click on folder and choose extract all)
  2. Import OVF into hypervisor
  3. Update CPU/Memory/Disk Space to meet requirements stated in KB in the hypervisor settings
  4. Open README.txt from extracted folder for credentials
  5. Launch the appliance and log into terminal using credentials in README.txt
  6. NP-View Server shell script will guide you through updating the NP-Live password, the root password, and to reset encryption keys
  7. Once complete the NP menu will appear indicating the server is ready to use.
  8. Launch a browser to navigate to the NP-View User Interface

Note: A static IP may need to be configured before utilizing the user interface.

Option 3: Using the NP-View Virtual Appliance with Proxmox

Once the Virtual Appliance OVF file has been downloaded from the portal, follow the steps below to complete set up:

  1. Ensure Proxmox is on version >= 8.3 (required for the import feature)
  2. Follow the import guide to create the VM from the NP-View OVA:  https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/pve-admin-guide.html#qm_import_virtual_machines
  3. Start the VM and go through initial NP-View setup as shown above
  4. If the VM does not have an IP
    1. [For DHCP]
      1. Update the interface name in /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml to match the interface name in Ubuntu
      2. Run netplan apply
    2. [For Static] Add the static IP in /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml
      1. Run netplan apply

Installing a SSL Certificate

NP-View listens on both port TCP/80 (HTTP) and TCP/443 (HTTPS). For HTTPS, it uses a self-signed SSL certificate by default. Users can also provide their own SSL certificate by simply copying a valid .pem file into the NP-View db folder.  If using HTTPS, the best practice is to disable HTTP or forward HTTP to HTTPS.

The following command can be used to generate a valid .pem file:

openssl req -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout cert.pem

To learn more about generating your own SSL certificate, please visit python documentation.

Please note that .pem file should include both the private key and the full certificate. If you received the private key and the certificate as two or more separate files, you can concatenate them into a single .pem file.

Setting the Virtual Appliance Time Zone

By default, the Virtual Appliance install creates the file `/opt/np-live/local-settings.yml`, set to America/Chicago.  This file needs to be updated to reflect your local time zone.  To change to a different time zone, log into the server using SSH and become root with the command sudo -i. You can then perform the following updates.

Update TZ= to a value from timedatectl list-timezones

version: '3.4'

x-environment-tz: &timezone    





                 - *timezone  



                 - *timezone  



                 - *timezone  



                 - *timezone  



                 - *timezone

Once you have set the new time zone, you can restart NP-Live with the command /opt/np-live/stop_NP-Live.sh  and then /opt/np-live/start_NP-Live.sh

Additional Installation Information

Improving NP-View Server Performance

Please reference minimum requirements, the higher the resources the better the performance.

Troubleshooting Disk Space

If a server upgrade or restart fails due to lack of disk space, please perform the following clean-up procedure:

  1. sudo rm -f /opt/np-live/db/log/system/nplive.log.*
  2. sudo docker system prune –volumes
  3. sudo rm /opt/np-live/docker-compose.yml.backup

NP-View does not automatically delete log files, the Linux system admin may wish to schedule the above commands in a periodic CRON job to maintain optimal performance.

If server upgrade or restart issues continue to occur, please reach out to the Tech Support team.

Default Disk Encryption

As the NP-View OVF is typically installed within a secure environment, the disk is not encrypted by default for data at rest.  The Linux Admin can encrypt the system drive for increased security knowing that system performance will be slightly degraded to accommodate the data decryption and encryption.

Personalize the Login Page

To add a custom message to the login page, a NP-View administrator can edit the file /opt/np-live/docker-compose.yml with the following entry in the webserver environment section: “- banner=Welcome to NP-view”

For NP-View, the file ~/Documents/np-live/config.ini can be edited to add: “banner=Welcome to NP-View”

Upload File Size Limit

When users upload a file through the Web user interface, NP-View will enforce a maximum file size which is 300MB per file by default.

Backing up the NP-View Server Database

  1. Stop the NP-View Server (you can use the script /opt/np-live/stop_nplive.sh)
  2. From the NP-View Server folder (by default: /opt/np-live/, run the command: tar -zcf db_backup_$(date '+%Y_%m_%d').tgz db (this command may take few minutes to complete)
  3. Run the new release installer, which will update the containers and then launch NP-View Server

Complete Removal of NP-View

If you wish to completely remove NP-View from you server to start with a fresh install, perform the following steps:

  • Stop NP-View using the script /opt/np-live/stop_NP-Live.sh
  • Remove Docker containers using the command docker system prune -a as root (WARNING: this will completely reset Docker, so if non NP-View containers have been added they will be deleted as well)
  • Remove the NP-View folder with the command rm -rf /opt/np-live as root (WARNING: the NP-View database will be permanently deleted)