July 25, 2023

How to Strengthen OT Cybersecurity

This panel discussion explores the dynamic intersection between human expertise and advanced technology in strengthening cybersecurity for critical infrastructure. As the frequency, complexity, and destructive potential of cyber threats escalate, we must revisit our current strategies and improve efficiency by leveraging in-person OT site inspections with technology automation. Two expert panelists will investigate effective approaches to address the challenge of achieving comprehensive cyber hygiene objectives with limited resources.


How to Strengthen OT Cybersecurity

This panel discussion explores the dynamic intersection between human expertise and advanced technology in strengthening cybersecurity for critical infrastructure. As the frequency, complexity, and destructive potential of cyber threats escalate, we must revisit our current strategies and improve efficiency by leveraging in-person OT site inspections with technology automation. Two expert panelists will investigate effective approaches to address the challenge of achieving comprehensive cyber hygiene objectives with limited resources.