January 27, 2023

10 Building Blocks Infographic

86% of all OT networks lack visibility.

Utilities, energy, oil, water, and manufacturing OT networks are prime targets for cyberattacks, with threats of data theft, shutdown, ransom demands, and worse.

Network visibility is the key to reducing the exposure of these critical assets.

Download this infographic to learn:

  • The top risks to OT networks in 2023
  • Steps to eliminate blind spots, adapt, and recover from an attack
  • Best practices for cyber resilience and network visibility

10 Building Blocks Infographic

86% of all OT networks lack visibility.

Utilities, energy, oil, water, and manufacturing OT networks are prime targets for cyberattacks, with threats of data theft, shutdown, ransom demands, and worse.

Network visibility is the key to reducing the exposure of these critical assets.

Download this infographic to learn:

  • The top risks to OT networks in 2023
  • Steps to eliminate blind spots, adapt, and recover from an attack
  • Best practices for cyber resilience and network visibility