PCI Security Standards Instructions

September 20, 2022
PCI Security Standards Council Prioritized Approach Tool
Release Notes & Instructions

June 2018

Contents:  2 spreadsheets (see tabs at bottom of this page)
·   Prioritized Approach Milestones
·   Prioritized Approach Summary
Step 1:

Please indicate “Yes”, “No”, or “N/A” in Column C of the “Prioritized Approach Milestones” spreadsheet tab. This step will auto-populate the “percentage complete” fields on the “Prioritized Approach Summary” spreadsheet tab.

Step 2:

Analyze results. Use the “filter” functions on column headers of the “Prioritized Approach Milestones” spreadsheet tab to select any of the six milestones.

Step 3:

Complete the contact information on the “Prioritized Approach Summary” tab. You may share this document with your acquirer or Qualified Security Assessor to provide an assessment of progress your organization has completed toward PCI DSS compliance. You may also manually enter an estimated completion date for each milestone phase. Check with your acquirer for specific submission instructions.

All information published by PCI SSC for the Prioritized Approach is subject to change without notice. PCI SSC is not responsible for errors or damages of any kind resulting from the use of the information contained therein. PCI SSC makes no warranty, guarantee, or representation as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information provided as part of the Prioritized Approach, and PCI SSC assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use or misuse of such information.